Memory Foam Layer for AirPods Pro

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Federico Viticci:

I’ve modded the AirPods Pro’s silicone tips with an extra memory foam layer, which helps the tips fit better in my ears, resulting in a warmer sound and overall more comfortable feel. The best part: I didn’t have to cut the memory foam layer myself – I simply took the foam layer from a pair of Symbio W eartips and fitted it inside the AirPods Pro’s tips

Thanks to the extra foam layer, the modded tips “fill” my ears, creating a better seal and ensuring the AirPods stay in place.

As mentioned in this post, I had issues with AirPods Pro, they wouldn’t stay put on my ears. As soon as I started to talk or walk, they would gradually come out of my ears and the ear tips didn’t help to solve the problem either. But maybe this silicon sealing might be a solution.

I had the opposite experience of many users that used the 1st and 2nd generations headphones; AirPods Pro fit well on them, not previous models.

It’s like fixing a bug and introducing a new one.

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