AIB indicates for your app users which audio is playing, just like the Podcasts app. It works for iOS
and tvOS
To use AudioIndicatorBars as a pod package just add the following in your Podfile file.
source ''
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'Your Target Name' do
// ...
pod 'AudioIndicatorBars', '~> 0.0.1'
// ...
To use AudioIndicatorBars as a Carthage module package just add the following in your Cartfile file.
// ...
github "LeonardoCardoso/AudioIndicatorBars" ~> 0.0.1
// ...
You just need to drop AudioIndicatorBars folder into Xcode project (make sure to enable “Copy items if needed” and “Create groups”).
let indicator = AudioIndicatorBarsView(
rect: CGRect,
barsCount: Int,
cornerRadius: CGFloat,
color: UIColor
This GIF is not as smooth as it really is. You can check the videos on GitHub.
Here are some possibilities.
This code is also available on my GitHub profile.