Swift for Good

Sunday, 15 December 2019

Paul Hudson creates that kind of coding content at Hacking with Swift that you can spend hours consuming without noticing the time flying by, really. He’s an author of books that focuses on the whole Apple’s coding sphere, meaning iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS; and he also speaks at conferences.

This year he had a noble attitude to donate to charity his income from those conferences and podcast and the profit from his own Swift conference.

This year I donated all my speaking and podcast income to charity, ran my own Swift conference where all profits went to charity, and increased my personal funding of diversity and inclusion scholarships. But I’ve known for a while that this wasn’t enough – that more was needed. [thread]

It’s a no brainer for me to acquire a new thing around authored by him.

The great news this time is that he spent 15 months secretly working on an amazing project that gathered 20 well known authors in favor of a kind cause.

So I’ve spent the last 15 months preparing my biggest initiative yet, and at last today I can share it with you. It’s a new book, and it’s available to pre-order today with the release in January. And this book isn’t just by me. Instead, you get 20 chapters from 20 authors: [thread]

The project is named Swift for Good and all of its revenue also will go to Black Girls Code. The name itself is already straight forward with an impactful meaning. The content of the book is just as diverse as the authors, bringing even more value to it.

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